The Energy System design has been determined by BACHER ENERGIE AG with the assumed underlying input data for electricity, heat, cold demand, hourly sunshine for PV-Generation, hourly wind for wind generation, etc. and a few form-based input parameters. The following files decribe the resulting Energy System Design (See file: results_1.csv: How much kW/kWh-capacity is needed for local PV, remote Wind, Storage (local Battery, remote Gas/Hydro, local Hot Water), grid capacity and the optimal hourly operation of the designed Energy System (See all the other files with all details: How much energy PV/Wind generators goes into local electricity consumption, how much goes into hot water tanks, how much into Power2Gas? How much energy is bought from the market?) during each hour of a typical year, see also the descriptions at

    All results (16.4MB) of the Smart System Design and hourly operation results for a whole year (download the .tar.gz-file; you must uncompress the file)
  1. All Results.tar.gz
  2. Inv.Period=1 Batt(EURperkWhperY=40.0) Wind(EURperkWperY=80.0) PV(EURperkWperY=20.0) Key results design RB1 1.pdf
  3. Inv.Period=1 Batt(EURperkWhperY=40.0) Wind(EURperkWperY=80.0) PV(EURperkWperY=20.0) Key results design RB2 1.pdf
  4. Inv.Period=2 Batt(EURperkWhperY=40.0) Wind(EURperkWperY=78.0) PV(EURperkWperY=19.0) Key results design RB1 1.pdf
  5. Inv.Period=2 Batt(EURperkWhperY=40.0) Wind(EURperkWperY=78.0) PV(EURperkWperY=19.0) Key results design RB2 1.pdf
  6. Inv.Period=3 Batt(EURperkWhperY=40.0) Wind(EURperkWperY=76.0) PV(EURperkWperY=18.0) Key results design RB1 1.pdf
  7. Inv.Period=3 Batt(EURperkWhperY=40.0) Wind(EURperkWperY=76.0) PV(EURperkWperY=18.0) Key results design RB2 1.pdf
  8. LOCALELEC HOUR detail results IP 1 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  9. LOCALELEC HOUR detail results IP 2 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  10. LOCALELEC HOUR detail results IP 3 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  11. LOCALELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 1 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  12. LOCALELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 2 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  13. LOCALELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 3 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  14. LOCALHEAT MON detail results IP 1 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  15. LOCALHEAT MON detail results IP 2 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  16. LOCALHEAT MON detail results IP 3 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  17. Progress.json
  18. REMOTEELEC HOUR detail results IP 1 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  19. REMOTEELEC HOUR detail results IP 2 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  20. REMOTEELEC HOUR detail results IP 3 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  21. REMOTEELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 1 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  22. REMOTEELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 2 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  23. REMOTEELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 3 OPTRUN 1 .csv
  24. log.html
  25. results 1.csv
Input Parameters Key parameters chosen by you in the initial web form such as total electricity demand per year. This is then scaled to an hourly electricity demand.
Input The specific costs for each technology per capacity SpecCostPV_EURPerkW; SpecCostWind_EURPerkW; SpecCostGrid_EURPerkW; SpecCostBatt_EURPerkWh; SpecCostHotWaterStorage_EURPerkWh; SpecCostGasStorage_EURPerkWh
Input The assumed prices for market energy PriceMarket_EURperkWh

Output pdf-Files Graph files for key outputs (and inputs such as hourly demand, sunshine, wind).
Output results_1.csv The computed parameters for each Investment Period (i.e. sizes of needed capacities)
Output How much of each technology needs to be installed (in total) in each IP period PVInstalled_kW WindInstalled_kW; GridUsed_kW; InstalledBatteryStorageCapacity_kWh; InstalledHotWaterStorageCapacity_kWh; InstalledGasStorageCapacity_kWh
Output How much electric energy needs to be bought or sold on the electricity market at market prices ElectricityMarketEnergyBuySell
Output How much PV and Wind Generation energy will be generated per year ine each IP PVMaxGenerationTotal_kWh; WindMaxGenerationTotal_kWh
Output What are the cost for the installed PV, Wind, Grid use and storage (Batteries, (Green) Gas storage, Hot Water storage) capacity per year in each IP period (the invested technologies are written off linearly over the expected use period)? PVCapacityCostPerYear_EUR; WindCapacityCostPerYear_EUR; GridUseCostPerYear_EUR; BatteryCapacityCostPerYear_EUR; HotWaterStorageCapacityCostPerYear_EUR; GasStorageCapacityCostPerYear_EUR
Output What are the costs for buying and selling excess energy to the market and buying deficit electricity from the market? ElectricityMarketEnergyBuySellCostPerYear_EUR
Output Optimization correctness related values RemoteElecBalanceMoneyPerYear_EUR; LocalElecBalanceMoneyPerYear_EUR
Cumulated Output The total yearly electricity demand, total yearly hot water demand, total yearly cooling demand TotalElectricityDemand_kWh; TotalHotWaterDemand_kWh; TotalCoolDemand_kWh
Output csv-Files Detailed tables decribing the intervals (hours, multiple hours, months)
Log json-File Overview about the computed steps towards the result

In the file list below:
IP Investment period
Inv.Period=1/2/3 Investment Period 1, 2 or 3
Batt, Wind, PV Batt: Battery; PV: PhotoVoltaic Generator; Wind: Wind generator.
EURperkWhperY=40.040 EURO per kWh per Year
1/2/3.pdf Results for investment period 1, 2 or 3
LOCALELEC HOUR detail results IP 1/2/3 OPTRUN 1/2/3.csv Local (the prosumer community, house, etc.) electricity system results per hour (of typical year in each investment period 1, 2 or 3) ) for Investment period 1, 2 or 3
LOCALELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 1/2/3 OPTRUN 1/2/3.csv same as before, but for quantities which have aggregated hourly values for dynamic length intervals of each day to reduce modelling size and computation time.)
LOCALHEAT MON detail results IP 1/2/3 OPTRUN 1/2/3.csv same as before, but for quantities which are aggregated for a whole month (heat, cold).
The progress file showing the steps from the input towards the solution
REMOTEELEC HOUR detail results IP 1/2/3 OPTRUN 1/2/3.csv Typical remote (distant from the prosumer community, house, etc.) electricity system results per hour (of a typical year) for Investment period 1, 2 or 3
REMOTEELEC INTERVAL detail results IP 1/2/3 OPTRUN 1/2/3.csv same as before, but for quantities which do or shall not vary from hour to hour, but be constant for longer time intervals (e.g. a week, etc.)